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supply chain center是什么意思、发音和在线翻译 - 英语单词大全...
来自 : danci.911cha.com/supply cha... 发布时间:2021-03-25
supply chain center是什么意思 supply chain center在线翻译 supply chain center什么意思 supply chain center的意思 supply chain center的翻译 supply chain centersupply chain center 双语例句

1. supply chain center在线翻译

1. Supply Chain is around center, enterprise, and it connects the supplier, the manufactory, the tradesman, the retailer and the consumer in the end to form a whole mode of functional chain construction through the information flow, logistics, and funds flow.

2. supply chain center什么意思

2. Its service range includes: offer transportation and storage service for some or all products of medical enterprises based on information exchange; provide value-added service, such as area distribution, gathering, signing agreement, etc. Logistics process management and supply chain design and optimization. Provide medical enterprises for comprehensive services, such as layout, implement and management their self-built regional logistics center, etc.

3. In addition to the hotel`s galleries which can be rented for exhibitions, there are also world-class galleries, creative studios and an international art exchange center located on Art Avenue, Art Square and in the nearby areas of the creative zone. Together, they form a complete artistic ecology supply chain centered around the Moon River Museum of Contemporary. Combining culture, creativity, collection, dining, sports, travel, resort, health management and a refined lifestyle, this innovative cross-field business model has set an example for the Chinese-style cultural and creative industry.

4. Xpedx also provides third-party logistics services for companies worldwide through xpedx Supply Chain Services, Tampa, Fla. Other xpedx owned-and- operated businesses include New York-based Bulkley Dunton; Lenexa, Kan.-based xpedx Printing Technologies; Loveland, Ohio-based Saalfeld Redistribution; Cleveland, Ohio-based xpedx National Technology Center, as well as a network of more than 140 retail paper and graphics stores across North America.
xpedx还提供第三方物流服务,向世界各地的公司通过xpedx供应链服务提供商,佛罗里达州坦帕,其他xpedx拥有和经营业务还包括设在纽约的布克利道顿; Lenexa ,美国堪萨斯州的xpedx印刷技术;洛弗兰德,俄亥俄州基于Saalfeld再分配;美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰市的xpedx国家技术中心,以及一个网络超过140个零售商店和图形文件北美各地。

5. On the basis of that, this article deeply studies on the direct financing mode of exchange-storage center and supply chain strategic alliance, and the indirect financing mode of civilian financing and private financing combining with financial systems and the characteristic of capital market.

6. supply chain center什么意思

6. The thesis studies model and operate of government procurement supply chain, especially government concentrate procurement supply chain model and information flow, fund flow, logistics. It puts forward that using government procurement center will be information center, which solves complicated problem of government concentrate procurement.

7. To the supply chain planning problem without a coordination center, a decentralized asynchronous coordination method based on Lagrangian relaxation algorithm is presented.

8. By forecast the demands from each logistics center or distribution center, this paper calculated the optimization supply chain cost, which includes transportation cost and inventory carrying cost minimization.

9. With the rapid development of the logistics industry and the wholesale and retail enterprises, the distribution center has become a hub for links of the logistics supply chain, where operating efficiency issues directly affect the end of the sales of the wholesale and retail enterprises.

10. supply chain center的反义词

10. First, evaluation of supply chain distribution center selection, which happened at the starting stage of the supply chain, is researched from the point of view of supply chain core enterprise.

11. A Joint Decision-making of Chain Store Location and Distribution Center Selection in Supply Chain

12. The general coal enterprise coal logistics network structure can be reflected by the model, which is a three stage supply chain network, including coal mine, coal hub center, coal distribution center and customer.

13. A supply chain which is made up with Information、Enterprise database、38 building material malls、Designing center、Marketing, and the center of service. A combination of modern information technology. And traditional business activities. A masterpiece that electronic commerce of china got into APS from the traditional style B-to-C!

14. In this paper, we research a supply chain distribution network constructed by factory, distributor center and retailer. An optimization model for this distribution network, which is a integer program, is proposed considering on the inventory cost, order cost and transport cost.

15. Applying stochastic control principle and a dynamic inventory model of supply chain with multi-distributed center based on literature [1], the bullwhip effect is restrained by taking the order as control variable.

16. During the coordination process, through iterative update of the internal price for each kind of products provided by the coordination center, the supply chain could be coordinated and the nearest optimal solution could be achieved.

17. Dynamic character is the most important characteristic of knowledge flow. Besides, knowledge flow is dummy object. If supply chain wants to operate effectively, it must leech on to core enterprise which is the driving center in supply chain.

18. Because of the limits of current supply chain technology and system, Agile supply chain based on coordination center is proposed in order to meet the need of virtual enterprise. Based on the agile supply chain system model, the system structure and functions is discussed.

19. The optimal design of agent capability requirement and the distribution of coordination and decision center (CDC) in CDC-based supply chain management are discussed.

20. Optimal Order-Placing Frequency of Chain Stores Under Scale Economies in Transportation A Joint Decision-making of Chain Store Location and Distribution Center Selection in Supply Chain

supply chain center 单语例句supply chain center的翻译

1. Shandong Heavy Industry\'s statement said the group also plans to establish a research center and supply chain in China.

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本文链接: http://dynamicsupplycente.immuno-online.com/view-718951.html

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